Today is Thankful Thursday, and our hostess Laurie, has chosen time as the theme. Such a wonderful theme Laurie, thanks for hosting this month. I am very thankful for time, it is a precious gift given to us by our Father. Each day, when the alarm clock goes off, I praise God for a brand new day. Knowing that I have 24 more hours to be in this world with those that I love, fills my heart with joy. Spending time in the hospital with dear lovebug was a life changing experience. Watching your husband nearly die on Christmas Eve, and spending Christmas Day visiting him in ICU, gives new meaning to what a true Christmas gift is. We realized that being blessed with more time with one another, is a gift that cannot be bought at any store, but is the most valuable gift ever given to us. For six months, we have shared a journey together. It has been a long, hard, scary, stressful journey. Filled with many twists, and turns along the way. But, time, after time, our Father shined. He never left our side, and always met our needs. He brought us through the storm, and placed us safely on the shore. Throughout this time, He taught us how very precious time with each other is, and to enjoy each second given to us. We love one another even more, than we already did. Now, it is time for lovebug to go back to work. Monday, May 24, he goes back to work full time. This will be a new adventure for him, he is not the person that he was the last time he worked there, which was November 2009. But, we know that God is with him, and everything is going to be fine. Time to fly my precious lovebug, I know you can do it. Thank You Father for bringing him to this moment in time, we love You.
Powerful post Denise. I am sure God revealed a lot to you during those times. Thanks for sharing an encouraging word. Blessings.
ok...I am doing somersaults...b/c your words...your 'miracle' makes me happy
Praise God!!!
I was praying about your finances and wondering how you were doing, wondering if another love gift was needed. I am so happy to hear that LoveBug can go back to work. I know how a man likes to provide for his mate. God is so Good! He has brought him back to where he can work again. I am Thankful. God answers prayers and prayers have been prayed.
Mama Bear
Lovely, Denise!
I great thankful list! I also thankful for each day I awake for another day with my hubby and kids. Time is short so we should be thankful for every min we have with those we love!
Precious testimony, Denise....
Just followed and wanted to stop by and say thank you for sweet responses to both mine and Rena's post's for WFW. (She is my sis and I posted on her site.)
This is a beautiful Thankful Thursday message, though I don't know your entire situation, I know you are in His hands.
Blessings to you from both of us.
Ginger and Rena
Very thankful that your husband is feeling better.
Praying for him as he goes back to work!
Thankful esp. for a God who heals!
Blessings to you as you send him back out!
Hello Denise, your post has blessed me so much. Reading this post has brought me tears realizing that God is the God of hope. Your marriage is also a great inspiration.
Thanks for sharing!
Oh bittersweet his returning to work must be! So glad though that God is providing. Grateful for His healing in Lovebug! Hugs sweet sister.
Beautifully said. What a great post! God is faithful. Happy TT!
Time truly is a gift from God. I am glad that you and your family were blessed with more time together, and continue to be blessed. I will pray for your lovebug as he goes back to work that everything will go smoothly - remember whose hands you are in!
Yet another beautiful post sweet, Denise. I just love to read your posts. You never give up which is one of the things I love about you. Glad things are going well for ya'll. Hoping & praying all goes well on the 24th!
Thankful with you...
I feel like I have ridden with you during this time. I have experienced the times when faith was of utmost importance. And I have experienced those times when it seem all might be lost.
And yet......we have learned that our God is FAITHFUL!
Kind of funny but your man is returning to work....and mine will once again be looking as the job he has been working is now finished.
But....still....He is faithful!
Thank you for your faithfulness!
Rejoicing with you, Denise.
Hello Denise,
I always leave here so blessed, your TT was just such a blessings. You and your love bug have been through so much over the past months, and not once have I heard you complain. This is such a testimony of your faith. I have thought of you both so often this week, and have prayed for Love Bugs return to work, I am believing with you both for Monday to be a super great day.
Much love,
Thank God for seeing you and Lovebug through the trying time, Denise. So wonderful to read of how God has deepened your love one for another. Truly our loved ones are precious gifts from God and time with them are so beautiful and memorable. May God continue to bless you and Lovebug. You are such a testimony to us and encouragement to us. Keeping Lovebug in prayers as he returns to work. Take care, sweet friend, and may God grant you a very blessed weekend.
Warm regards,
Blessings to you and your hubby, This was such an incredible post and truly shows the value of a life lived in Him. I've watched as dear friends have lost their spouses to terminal illnesses and it makes me cherish every day with my beloved-even when life has it roller coaster moments.
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Noreen
It is in our deepest pain, we find God isn't it? He is there always be we can actually touch Him during these times....
love you girl
God bless your grateful heart, dear denise. (((HUGS)))
I remember those days ....how the prayers went forth and how the Lord has worked such miracles, has provided one day at a time, and brought you all closer to HIM with each new day and lesson! I am so thankful for all HE has done in you and for you both!
Love you Denise!
Denise, that was such a beautiful post!! I can imagine that you are so grateful for lovebug to be working, but at the same time, you will miss being with him 24/7.
Great post. And I will be praying for your man when he returns to work. God will give him strength and provide peace and patience.
Thanks for your love,encouragement and support. You Bless.
PTL.... Oh Denise.. I'm so happy for yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a happy thankful Thursday.
Love you!!!
What a very inspiring post. I love it. thanks.
God is good! He loves us more than we can even imagine. Lovebug will do great with God by his side. Still praying for him!
Reading this post has brought me to tears. What a BEAUTIFUL testimony. You are so encouraging. Im so thankful to know you and have you in my life. Our God is truly an AWESOME GOD.
Love you oodles,
My dearest friend,
I am so grateful with you and for you.
Do you know, Monday is Pentecost! What a great day. May the Holy Spirit shine upon your husband's employees and upon you two.
Always loving you and praying for you,
Oh Denise,
I am so excited about Eddie returning to work. I bet he is also excited and thankful. Hugs.
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