Last weeks memory verse was 92:1--It is good to give thanks to the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High......Psalm 92:1 (NASB) I love to thank the Lord for all His many blessings upon my life. I love to raise my voice in songs of praise to His name. He alone is most worthy of my love, and praise.
Hello Denise, I missed writing my blog these days. I'm quite busy with my career as a teacher. We have English Camp.
Hope you had already received my email from melodymakers26@yahoo.com - it's about the health....
Thanks for a reminder from the verse you had shared.
God bless
we should always have a grateful heart no matter what... bless you my dear friend.
Thanks for joining in "The Power of Your Love's" Weekly Memory Verse, Denise!!
Again, a wonderful job of memorizing and writing about the verse!!
I'm just about to post--remember to come back and link up!!
Excellent verse, Denise...THANK YOU!
Good morning Denise,
Wishing you a beautiful week ahead.
Amen Denise, in my life too. God is so good.
Good job sweet Denise! For such a little verse, I kept forgetting how it started. So strange. Ha.
Now I'm working on Jeremiah 17:9.
Bless you friend!
This is just what I needed today; a reminder to give thanks instead of griping and complaining. I have SO much for which to be thankful if I just take a look around... thanks!
One of the things that the Lord commands us to do is to praise Him in all things! Wow...that is hard sometimes but He never promised it would be easy. Our sermon last night was "do you want to be a praiser or a complainer" (paraphrased...lol!). We get used to having the things that we want and instead of praising God for them...we either do nothing or we complain because they are no longer good enough. God, help me to not be ungratiful with the many things you have blessed us with.
Love you, Denise!
I am truly blessed, a beautiful verse, have a wonderful day !
Love this verse and love Him so!
Blessings to you!
Yes. Let's sing many praises to His name!
Amen! I love you button that says He is already there. What a promise that you are never alone-literally:)
A hearty Amen to that!
Denise, I love your scripture
And now I need to go back to your blog because I fell in love with the beginning to the song that was playing, but it ended when I clicked to comment. I have to go see what it is... beautiful!
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