This was my memory verse last Monday: Isaiah 40:28- Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints, nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.: These days are so filled with uncertainty and stress. People are so worried, and loaded down with burdens. The economy is on every ones mind, so many have lost their jobs. More people than ever, are dealing with high blood pressure. What can we do? Look up, your redemption is close at hand. God loves you, and He is more than willing to help you.He will not faint, or grow weary, as we tend to do. Turn your life totally over to the Lord, allow Him to carry you through the highs, and lows, that this world throws your way.
Oh, Denise!
Thanks for joining me in The Weekly Memory Verse!! Remember to link up!!
I needed to read this today and realize that God is calling me to rest and He will take care of everything! I am tired, weary and sick--but Our God--always there for us. I'm going to lean heavily on Him today to heal me and allow me to rest.
What a comfort this verse is!
I enjoyed this verse last week too. I love God's Word! :o)
Have a blessed week Denise!
I love this verse, sweet friend. You always pick the ones that I need...
I love you.
Awesome vese and so needed right now! Good news indeed!
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